YellowHead West

 Home of Pavilion Indoor Pickleball

Air conditioning with no rain, wind, or sun-glare

Monday January 15 2-4pm RR/Open Play

  • 15 Jan 2024
  • 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • Pavilion
  • 1


  • ADVANCED players who would be evaluated at a minimum 3.5 level by an objective independent evaluator
  • INTERMEDIATE players who are more experienced than Novice and would be evaluated at a 3.0 level by an objective independent evaluator
  • NOVICE (new players just starting and newer players in their first 12 months of playing)

Registration is closed

Round Robin/Open Session

There are two key components to these sessions.

1)Round Robin

Players attending will sign on to one of three boards;

NOVICE (new players just starting and newer players in their first 3 -4 months of playing)

INTERMEDIATE players who are more  experienced than Novice and would be evaluated at a 3.0 level by an objective independent evaluator

ADVANCED players who would be evaluated at a minimum 3.5  level by an objective independent evaluator

*see following rating guideline skill sets for reference

Based on the numbers of players in each group the session co-ordinator will assign the applicable courts and round robin sheet. To make the numbers work on all courts if a player needs to be moved up a level the players at the higher level will select the specific player to join them.

Each group of players will take their roster board and applicable round robin sheet out to the courts they have been assigned to by the session co-ordinator.

2)Open Session (Do What You Want)

Any group of players (minimum one court 4-6 players) can choose to conduct play how ever they want. They can practice or they can play with a specific group of registered players (examples could be a group of friends or couples) etcetra. Players doing this must advise the session co-ordinator 15 minutes prior to the start time of the session of what they are doing and will have a court/s assigned.


Please arrive 15 minutes before start time on game day.  Being late will likely mean you have been bumped out of the session and not entered on a roster sheet. It is the players responsibility to be sign themselves up on the applicable level roster sheet.

Signing Up to Play

You sign up to play in the usual way through the YHW website, under "Events". You can sign up as soon as you receive your player session invite.

If you are unable to play and there are players on the waitlist for that session you must cancel your session yourself a minimum of 4 hours before the scheduled start time in order for waitlisted players to have time to come to the session. Late cancellations will incur a play pass deduction.


*put in cancellation process

All registered players with a valid play package will be invited.

ADVANCED players who would be evaluated at a minimum 3.5  level by an objective independent evaluator
  • Home
  • Monday January 15 2-4pm RR/Open Play

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